L. B. Míkovcová

Lenka Bergmann Míkovcová

We all wish to live in a harmonious and happy environment. My approach – both to myself and others – is centred in non-violent communication and respect. I promote these values through personal consultations and storytelling for parents and children in the form of interactive books with music and games.


Personal consultation
I offer collaborative conversation. By creating a safe environment, I help you to clarify your thinking and attitudes. You may wish to share my personal view on a particular topic. Alternatively, I can recommend suitable literature, podcasts etc.
Author readings and followup discussions
I offer author’s readings based on the topics of my books for children and parents: sibling relationships, peaceful sleep rituals, and the cycle of life.
Workshop - Coming soon

„The Tree of Joy and Success“

If you are starting to think about applying for a job, setting up a business, changing your professional path, or simply a change in direction, then this workshop will be useful for you.

Who am I

I am a listener. I think carefully about what I hear in your speech – words and emotions and observe. In meetings I aim for harmony. I provide personal consultation and at the same time act as an occasional guide in the kindergarten. I have published three books to support the relationship between parents and children. You can get more information in the interview with Daniela Drtinová. I have undertaken courses to support self-esteem, self-knowledge and self-devlopement. Previously, I also worked as an adviser to the Deputy Prime Minister for Economy in the field of education, and during my studies I gained experiences in the Czech and American education systems. I love my family and our dog.


Release of the book
"Linden Leaf"

September 19th, 2024, Prague

"Linden Leaf"
Book Launch

November 5th 2024, Prague

My books

Baboo the Baby Elephant
and the Sharing Puzzle

This illustrated book provides entertainment and instruction for children up to 7 years and their parents. A playful story about a baby elephant from the African jungle, it asks an important question: what it means to share in a fair way. Just splitting everything in two is not always the best solution! Baboo learns this first-hand when he travels throught the jungle and meets animal friends who share their food with him. And it ends with a surprising twist that restores peace to family life.

Night Night my Baby Heart

This illustrated lullaby is designed to be a part of a sleeping ritual. Inspired by Good Night Moon, much loved by previous generations, this book uses elements of meditation. Each line of the rhyming lullaby is accompanied by double-spread blue-and-white illustrations. The story describes what children see, hear and feel – both around them and on the inside. The dream-like illustrations are calming rather than distracting and run from dark to light blue to help overcome any fear of the dark.

The Linden Leaf

This illustrated fairy tale tells the story of a linden leaf as it comes to terms with the cycle of life and death. It’s perfect for children, but also for parents looking for a way to talk to children about the fact that everything that comes into this world must leave it. A tiny linden leaf is born on the branch of large tree. It observes what it is to grow, and observes the world come to life around it – animals and moments from people’s lives. It enjoys the summer, but as autumn arrives it starts to experience concerns about its loss of strength. After the inevitable detachment, the leaf comes to terms with its loss of powers and the way that his life must change.



E-mail: lenka.mikovcova@gmail.com

IČO: 71673202

Bank account: 1994764019/3030

Foto: Ann Kidd

Supplementary materials

Personal consultation

Our initial meeting is free and lasts 30 minutes. Later, we can decide whether to continue together, or to find a more suitable match for you. Followup meetings last 50 minutes and are priced at 900 CZK (35 Eur). If necessary we can extend our consultation time for an additional 50 minutes at a price of 1500 CZK (50 Eur).

The goal is a stronger sense of satisfaction and well-being in your life, based on specific changes that you make, or simply greater awareness.

A person is a combination of body and soul, and life cannot be fully planned. So I take a holistic approach towards a personal vision, based on self-understanding, starting with understanding your own sense of purpose.

Embark with me on a journey of self-discovery and self-awareness, to overcome barriers but also to find unexpected potential. In this process, I act as a partner who will be there for you through thick and thin.

If you are ready to share personal sorrows, joys, feelings and emotions, contact me. If you are keen to listen, ask questions, share others’ opinions, get in touch. Exploring your goals, concerns and desires is an important part of creating value – for both yourself and society. You will receive feedback and encouragement, and in a way that doesn’t seek to criticize or find fault.

I am a woman, partner, mother, sister and daughter – you can find out more here [link to /#o-mne]. I like to travel, but my worldview is coloured by the place I live in: the land of Charles IV, Saint Agnes, Franz Kafka, Milada Horáková, the Velvet Revolution, and Olga and Václav Havel.

Author readings and followup discussions

Structure of the event: :

  • welcome and familiarizing ourselves with the program
  • introducing the book and the situations in which it can help
  • reading the children’s text and a sample of the illustrations
  • listening to the complementary music
  • open discussion with the audience


There is no limit to numbers, but the storytelling requires a calm environment for undisturbed discussion. It’s important for the audience to be able to listen quietly and let go of their emotions for a while if needed.

In total, the reading and discussion takes about an hour. Afterwards, books may be offered for sale. Price negotiable.

Workshop: The Tree of Joy and Success

My partner for this workshop is my husband Petr, whose professional background is in venture capital.

Why do we do this?
We believe our lives should be about doing what we love. It’s up to us if work and business is going to be a path of friendship, cooperation, joy and happiness. And we should be prepared to accept the hard work that usually comes with it!

How do we do it?
We will show you how who you are can be reflected in your work or business.

What do we do?
In the workshop, we ask questions for which there may be more than one correct answer. We guide you into experiences that can help you know yourself – and each other – better. And we show you how to slow down, and feel what you want and what you desire.

Our approach is best described in three simple sentences:

  • Sometimes we just have to trust our instincts and take a step into the unknown, rather than pretend that we know what we do not know.

  • When facing a difficult situation, we have a choice: blame others, or face up to the challenge and try to solve it.

  • Each of us must sometimes find the strength within ourselves to go through difficult times without friends, maps or guides.

Who am I

  • I am a wife and a mother of two children. We have a dog and we love animals and nature. When I became a mom, a dragon in me awoke as I recognized the unexpected power of motherhood in myself.
  • I am a graduate of the University of Economics in Prague, and I completed an International Diploma Program in Business Administration from UC Berkeley (ext) in California. Studying tested my perserverance and ability to see things through. In the international study environment, I learned firsthand what tolerance and respect for difference are. I experienced independence, freedom and support from lecturers, professors and acquaintances. I also got to appreciate two different education systems.
  • I worked as an education advisor for two years on the Deputy Prime Minister’s economics team. Among our achievements, we managed to introduce social scholarships for university students. Only a few people are destined to work in the world of high-level politics, and although I enjoyed the work, I recognized that I was not one of them
  • After passing my teaching assistant course, I spent five years at this work developing what I had learnt from my training, from motherhood and from personal development. It was also an opportunity to get to know the environment of the education system in the International Montessori kindergarten and school.
  • My personal and individual approach allowed me to contribute to the development of children with ADHD and diabetes, but also autism and other educational, health and personality specifics.
  • I have taken an international course on nonviolent communication and “Respect and be Respected“ course with Taťjana and Pavel Kopřiva – psychologists, psychotherapists and co-authors of the book of the same name. Through them I came to understand how our behaviour, actions and speech affect children‘s self-esteem and development, as well as how managing one’s own emotions and ego affects our relationship with children. I have also attended the workshop “Observe, Consider, Adapt. Special Needs in the Clasroom.“ at the Montessori Institute Prague and Crisis communication course by Linka Bezpečí.
  • I have been interviewed twice – on DVTV with Daniela Drtinová, and for Women’s Talk with Štěpánka Hojdová.
  • I have co-published two books: Baboo the Baby Elephant and the Sharing Puzzle and the lullaby Night Night My Baby Heart including music. My third book for parents and children about the cycle of life The Linden Leaf is due to be published on 31 October 2024.

Coloring books

author Rudolf Doulík

Finger puppet theater

author Rudolf Doulík

Demo for listening: „Night Night My Baby Heart“

Author of the musical version Ondřej Škoch, sing Ondřej Škoch and Lenka Bergmann Míkovcová



